If you've been around us long enough, you will know that neither JR nor I like to make excuses. We always tried our best to be honest, upfront and decent. With no bull. We show behind the curtain as much as possible (maybe sometimes too much so but that's a post for another day) so it's with a heavy heart that I write we're having some issues with shipping and are currently suspending postage of ALL orders.
A bit of back story:
Staff at Royal Mail (our shipping company) went on strike multiple times in December. This caused huge delays and regretfully there are still some orders "missing" from that period. Please reach out if your order is missing and you ordered BEFORE 13th December. (email hello@jrdf.co.uk)
We didn't ship anything over the Christmas period because we finally moved the last pieces of the JRDF business out of our house (a MASSIVE achievement) and into the workshop. So everything was in boxes, from stock to envelopes, 3D printers to packaging labels, mailbags to PCs. (Huge shoutout to Ventovar & Sarah for giving up their holiday to help us set it up. Eternally grateful, as always).
To 2023. Orders from over the Christmas/New Year period were shipped on 9th January! Woot (or so we thought). Unbeknownst to us at the time, Royal Mail had been the victim of a Cyberattack and all mail has been affected. They claim it is just international but UK post also seems to have been delayed so we have made the decision to cease all shipping for the time being.
Those who have already had a dispatch notification, please keep checking it. I can't see any more than you can without contacting Royal Mail via an online form. Royal Mail is working on a workaround, see here for updates.
But, as always, feel free to get in touch if you prefer (hello@jrdf.co.uk)
And finally...
The really bad news is that we are postponing the launch of the MSR (and dioramas) until the issues are completely resolved.
A very difficult decision for any company to make, but I applaud your openness and honesty about the issue. I wish you guys the best in luck for being able to start shipping again soon.