Now operating in the US, JRDF is producing at the same level of detail and quality you've come to know and love. While we are best known for our fantastic Star Citizen kit models, we also create bespoke parts, assets, and merchandise ranging from event trophies to medical supports.
At the end of 2023, the beloved JR & Kals decided to focus their efforts on the large-scale installation side of JRDF, leaving the small parts manufacturing to be taken over by Drew (@WestbrookDrew), Sarah (@Morigan), and Brian (@ventorvar) in the US. Working with many familiar faces from the JRDF community, they have worked diligently to keep up the legacy that was begun in 2017.
The Team

The Global Team
The Global Team are a mix of friends, family and contractors from all over the planet. They have consistently gone above and behond and JRDF wouldn't be where it is without their "wood, sweat and tears" for which we are grateful beyond measure.

Tyler (Zyloh) for scale


Josh (VMXeo)

James (th3st0rmtr00p3r)

Kent (Ungineer)

David (Steel)

