
To deliver a 3D printed “Hunter” model at 1:750 scale to showcase an as yet unseen ship and alien race from within the clients computer game.

Timeline & Budget:

4 weeks.


Key Challenges:

To deliver an accurate model from a concept asset, in accordance with colour schemes from a variety of light sources. We overcame this by producing a number of prototypes and testing paint effects.

To replicate organic “webbing” from a textured file as opposed to a digital physical asset. This issue was overcame in CAD by redrawing the assets which whilst visually correct did not have enough structural integrity to survive printing, therefore a second supportive layer was created underneath to provide the rigidity needed.


A 419mm Vanduul Hunter model ship, accurate to the client asset, which was installed after working hours on a Friday afternoon, as a surprise for staff seeing it on Monday morning.

Additionally, we delivered a teaser image campaign over social media throughout the weekend around the ship installation prior to the reveal for staff on Monday.


Client: “Our favourite model so far”.

“It looks so much better in real life.” “Can I purchase one for myself?” - Ship Designer